Nominated for Local Business Awards 2021. Results to be reported on Saturday 4th December
Happy New Year everybody, lets hope for a happy 2022. We have sent over 1000 brochures out in second class post,. You should be receiving your copy any day now.
Our fleet continues to grow we welcome on new 17 plate executive 49 seater with Wifi
We are excited to be launching even more days out and mini breaks from around our local town Tameside
Our private Hire side is growing and its great to be getting regular work again and getting to know some new customers as well as our regular clients
We are excited to announce our brand new 20 plate, 50 seater executive coach
We would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy new Year, and as always we thank you for your Continued Support.
We are working hard to have our January to June Brochure ready and aim to have it out in the coming weeks.